Jil buy Houses

Frequently Asked Questions

Find real estate investment companies that are interested in properties in your area. Contact them and provide them with information about your property, schedule the appointment, fix the purchase price, then sign an agreement and finally close the deal.

You can call real estate investment companies in your location or contact them through their website contact us page any time. Many of them like Jill Buy Houses provide free offers for scheduling the property viewings.

There is nothing to do with your home. You don’t have to worry about any renovation or repairs for this as we accept home as is. Just get ready with these details: property address, property type, property size, and property’s amenities etc.

There is no need to negotiate the price for your property with us. We consider everything from property location to property repair conditions and values of property compared to your property location. This way we come up with an affordable price that works for both of us.

It is recommended to work with real estate agents in your area to determine the specific documents that you require to submit at the time of selling your property. Your agent will guide you on the specific requirements based on your state and local laws.

We normally have mortgages of around 20-30 years and in that case if you wanna sell your property, contact Jill Buy Houses. They offer you the cash price that pays off your existing mortgage.

At Jil Buys Houses, we know that every property is unique, which is why we evaluate each individual property to arrive at a fair market price. We consider the location of your property, its current condition and what other comparable properties are selling for in your area. We also factor in any necessary repairs, as well as outstanding loans or mortgages you have on the property. Once we’ve determined a fair price for your home, we provide an all-cash offer. Should you accept, we can close on your home in 7 days or less.

Yes! We’re buying homes of all types, sizes, and conditions. We evaluate each individual property by location, condition, and market value. Taking this big picture approach allows us to give you a fair cash offer for your home, whether it’s a single-family dwelling or a multi-family property. Reach out to us today for your no-obligation consultation, provide us with the details of your property and we’ll make an all-cash offer for your home based on fair market value

Currently, you cannot list a rental on Jil Buys Houses. If you’re interested in listing a rental and receiving incredible exposure for your listing, check back soon or reach out to info@jilbuyshouses.com for more information. In the meantime, keep in mind that we buy houses for cash. Contact us today for a fair, all-cash offer for your property and say goodbye to the stress and hassle of being a landlord for good!

The services rendered by Jil Buys Houses come at no cost to our clients! Our no-obligation consultations are completely free, and we offer fair market value for your property. Each house is individually evaluated, to ensure you’re getting top dollar for your home. What’s more, we cover all closing costs and we do not work on commission. In many cases, we save our clients thousands of dollars on fees and real estate agent commissions. When we make you an all-cash offer, that’s the price you get for your home—no less. We promise no hidden surprises, ever!

Jil Buys Houses understands that every property is different, which is why we make individualized estimates for every home. There are four factors we look at when estimating the value of a property: the location of your home; its condition; any existing mortgage you have on the property; and the value of comparable homes in the area. Taking this approach allows us to give every client the very best price for their property.

Ready To Take The Next Step?

Sell Your Home To Jil Buys Houses Today!